Here you can find the German teaching resources created by Creative Multilingualism's Language Learning strand for their project exploring the impact of creative teaching materials and methodologies on pupils' learning and views on language study.
Each lesson plan gives very approximate timings for activities, as a guide only. It is likely that some activities will take longer than suggested by the plan.
Kunst im Holocaust: PowerPoint and lesson plan
Migration: PowerPoint and lesson plan
Spenden: PowerPoint and lesson plan
Zoo geschlossen: PowerPoint and lesson plan
Der Panther, Rainer Maria Rilke: PowerPoint and lesson plan
Glück des Gebens, Bertolt Brecht: PowerPoint and lesson plan
Der Schmetterling, Pavel Friedmann: PowerPoint and lesson plan
Seiltanz, Adel Karasholi: PowerPoint and lesson plan
Weltende, Jakob van Hoddis: PowerPoint and lesson plan