The Performing Languages Conference in February 2019 saw academics, artists, performers and cultural practitioners come together to watch, discuss and debate what it means to perform languages. In the words of one conference participant, "What I liked most about the conference is that it didn’t simply advocate for creative multilingualism; it made it happen, there and then."
Watch the short film below to find out more about Performing Languages:
Read the following blog posts to find out more about the Performing Languages conference:
Performing Languages: on multilingualism and language hierarchies
What does it mean to perform language?
Oxford University hosted ‘Poetry in Motion’ in June 2019 at Wolfson College with academics, students, artists and creatives.
By engaging with literature from around the world in innovative, relevant and unexpected ways, Poetry in Motion showcased artistic proficiency and cultural splendour through captivating performances from hip-hop artists and lyricists Lady Sanity and Stanza Divan and spoken-word poet Rupinder Kaur.
Poetry in Motion formed part of a one-day academic workshop, Found in Translation – Bringing Russian and Punjabi Culture to British Stages, organised by Creative Multilingualism's Creative Economy strand.
Read blogger Raveeta Banger's review of the event to find out more about the event >>
Read the following blog posts to find out more about the Languages in the Creative Economy Symposium:
Patois and grime: language and identity
Thoughts on the day by Professor Philip Ross Bullock: On Equality, Inequality and Unequality…
Find out what the participants thought of the day