FAQ for Oxford funding call: Artificial Intelligence in the World of Languages

Frequently Asked Questions

About the Applicants

Is there a limit to the number of co-applicants?

No. Please add additional lines to the application form if required.

What is an output?

Outputs are things you produce as a result of your project. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list, but the following would all count:

  • an event
  • a video
  • a blog post
  • a report
  • a journal article
  • a set of new or revised guidelines
  • a new piece of or updated software

What is an outcome?

An outcome is the effect that you have on the people engaging with your project. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list, but the following would all count:

  • changed perceptions
  • changed behaviour
  • gained skills
  • increased understanding

Can I apply for this funding call if I'm not an employee of the University of Oxford?

No. This call is funded by the University of Oxford and is only open to employees of the University of Oxford. We have another funding call open to all institutions here (closing date 30 April).

About the Application

Can I apply for a project outside one of the four areas listed?

No, we are only considering applications that link to one of the four areas.

Can I apply for funding to cover…?

… my time?

Yes. It must be costed at an hourly rate and no overheads are payable.

… research assistance?

Yes. It must be costed at an hourly rate and no overheads are payable.

… work outside the UK?

Yes, there is no restriction on where work can be conducted. 

… a research project within a Masters/PhD course?

No, this funding is not intended to support a course.

… the costs of publication of previous research?

No, the funding is for new work.

Financial Information

What about VAT?

The maximum award is £5,000. If you need to charge VAT, you must take this into account when applying.

Is Full Economic Costing operational in this case (meaning that institutional overheads will be funded)?

No, only direct costs will be paid. 

About the Application Process

To whom should the application be submitted?

Please email your application to creativeml@mod-langs.ox.ac.uk. All applications will be acknowledged.

What is the deadline for applications?

5 pm UK time on Monday 20th May.

My referee is away, can I get an extension to the deadline?

Your referees must submit their references by the deadline for applications. Due to the timeline for making decisions we are unable to grant an extension.

What happens after I have submitted?

You will receive an email acknowledging your application. If you have not received an acknowledgement by Friday 24th May, please contact us.

We will aim to let you know whether you have been granted an award by the close of 12th June 2019. Successful candidates will be given the opportunity to contribute to the workshop Artificial Intelligence in the World of Languages in Pittsburgh on Thursday 5th September.

What if I cannot afford to attend the event in Pittsburgh?

A small number of travel bursaries will be available. Successful applicants will be given details of how to apply. Funding is not dependent upon attending the workshop in Pittsburgh.

What if I have more questions?

Contact us at creativeml@mod-langs.ox.ac.uk.


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