Languages are incredibly valuable in many different ways, and useful. Creative Multilingualism wants to encourage young people in the UK to be ambitious and to think creatively about the career possibilities languages open up.
Languages open doors to lots of different careers. Whether you are learning a language at school or in your community, or if you have a home or heritage language other than English, languages can take you places you don’t yet know you want to go. You don’t even have to be fluent in a language for it to lead to career opportunities. Learning languages gives you transferable skills; you develop the ability to think creatively, to forge connections between communities, to translate across cultures and identities. Languages give us a sense of who we are and allow us to express and explore ourselves.
You can watch the full interviews below:
RTKal: Musician
Samir Singh: Arsenal football club
Elen Roberts: Lawyer
Rob Wightman: Teacher / Former Journalist
Eve Yeboah: Vlogger
Evie Snow: Communications and Events
Captain Oliver Tillard: British Army Officer
Adam Luria: Documentary Director
Emma Hooper: Business Consultant
Rupinder Kaur: Poet
Leanne Tritton: PR and Communications
More teaching resources
You can find other teaching resources to support teaching languages creatively in our Resources section.
Creative poetry exercises for schools – the exercises explored in these videos aim to help inspire and encourage creative poetry writing in schools. They work particularly well in multicultural schools where pupils speak many different languages and help to demonstrate how languages can be used as a tool for creativity.
Multilingual drama teaching activities – short films demonstrating drama activities which can be used to enhance the teaching of Modern Foreign Languages.
Creative teaching resources for French and German (Yr9) – these teaching resources have been created by Creative Multilingualism's Language Learning strand which has been exploring the impact of creative teaching materials on pupils' learning and views on language study.