SoundsFrench AI app
SoundsFrench AI app, developed by Helen Abbott, is a pilot project towards enabling beginner / intermediate learners of French (e.g. Key stage 3 level) to enhance their pronunciation skills, developing confidence for performance out loud.
The app uses individual smartphones/tablets for learners to discover how to best shape the sounds. The app will provide instant feedback to each learner. This is enabled by modern AI technology, based around Google’s powerful but easy-to-use Tensor Flow analysis of the audio and video of mouth shape. Sounds French is the first step towards allowing Modern Foreign Language learners in schools to engage proficiently with the creative act of performing French out loud.
Helen was due to present her work at our New Perspectives on Modern Languages Research conference in March 2020; however, as the event was postponed indefinitely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she has kindly provided her presentation to be published on the website.
SoundsFrench AI App
Download Helen's presentation here>>
Helen Abbott (@HelenAbbott1 on Twitter) is Professor of Modern Languages and Head of School of Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music at the University of Birmingham. Her research specialise in nineteenth-century French poetry and music and explores ways of writing about word-music relationships in poetic language, in critical theories, and using digital methodologies.