From research to performance: the making of Flights of Fancy

Last year, Creative Multilingualism commissioned Pegasus Theatre and The Conker Group to create a performance based on our 2nd strand’s research into Nature in Naming, Metaphor and Myth.
The theatre groups were particularly taken with the story of the barn swallow which, as it flies over and nests in different countries and cultures, attracts a variety of names and myths associated with it.The bird has a contradictory image; for some cultures the swallow brings luck, for others it is a harbinger of doom. Flights of Fancy explores the myths and language associated with the swallow through song, stories and movement.
The film below shows the actors and creators explain how they turned the research into a performance, from writing the songs and lyrics to incorporating multilingual aspects.
Watch the full performance of Flights of Fancy below.
Where next?
We are Children of the World: a multilingual concert with 500 school children
A Tale of Two City Guides: multilingual identity, writing, and translation