Public Engagement with Research: a toolkit for Modern Languages researchers

Fri, 5th Jun 2020
The Creative Multilingualism team have created a toolkit for Modern Languages researchers with advice and ideas on how to run public engagement events. Working with language(s) can bring a new level of complication to public engagement activities, such as:
- How do you make the invisible (language) visible?
- How do you organise events when you don’t know which languages the participants will speak?
- How do you promote language diversity if there is just one shared lingua franca?
This toolkit will offer solutions to challenges you may come across, and will hopefully inspire you to find new, creative ways to share your Modern Languages research.
You can download the toolkit below – please share widely with any friends and colleagues who might find it helpful. We'd love to hear your feedback – please let us know what you think of the toolkit by emailing us at