Collaboration with the Joint National Committee for Languages (JNCL-NCLIS) in the US complements the involvement of the University of Pittsburgh in the university consortium of Creative Multilingualism, and the participation of the University of California, Santa Barbara, in the work of Strand 6. Together we are exploring approaches to multilingualism and the role of English as the global lingua franca in two key Anglophone contexts. Simultaneously our work together will enable us to reach audiences beyond the UK.
JNCL represents 106 American professional societies, research institutes, and companies working in language in the United States. The organisation focuses on the development of policy recommendations for language education and the regulation of the language industry, grounded in empirical research in Second Language Acquisition, language policy, sociology, and economics, among other fields.
Collaborative activities will include two international workshops exploring ‘Multilingual Perspectives on an Anglophone World’. The first will be held in 2017/18 at the University of Oxford, and the second in 2018/19 at the University of Pittsburgh. They will focus on three key areas:
- Perspectives on heritage language development in English-speaking societies, and the potential for adding value – both for the individual and for society – through the involvement of creative activities and approaches in developing language skills and cultural awareness.
- The contribution of languages other than English to the creative economy of Anglophone countries.
- Curricular and structural challenges to improving language acquisition in Anglophone educational systems, and the potential for improving take-up and progression through methodologies with a creative focus.
JNCL has extensive contact with researchers and pedagogues active in language learning technology, and is working with the project team to engage such scholars in the project.