Yoko Tawada Exhibition Launch

Voltaire Room, Taylorian, Oxford
An exhibition on Yoko Tawada's work, titled ‘Von der Muttersprache zur Sprachmutter’: Yoko Tawada’s Creative Multilingualism, will be launched with an opening address by Professor Katrin Kohl on 17 February at 5pm in the Taylor Institution Library (Room 2/Voltaire Room). It has been curated by Sheela Mahadevan, one of Professor Henrike Lähnemann’s Master students in the Method Option ‘History of the Book’.
The exhibition will be open to Bodleian Card holders until 2 March.
Find out more: http://www.mod-langs.ox.ac.uk/news/2017/02/02/dr-yoko-tawada-residency-17th-february-1st-march
Watch an introduction to the exhibition with Sheela Mahadevan here: