We are Children of the World – A Multilingual Concert

The concert will present the world premiere of We are Children of the World by Lin Marsh. Commissioned by Creative Multilingualism, it celebrates some of the rich diversity of languages spoken in our schools and communities. Weaving in snatches of songs in Mandarin, Punjabi, Urdu, Arabic, Polish, Swahili and Portuguese, the piece takes us from sunrise in the East across the world, bringing to life some of the landscapes that have given us the richly varied language environment of 21st century UK.
Organised in partnership with the Oxford Festival of the Arts and conducted by Jon Cullen, the concert will take place in the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford. It will involve some 500 pupils from local primary schools and include participation from parents and other audience members.
Read our blog post about the event to find out more.
Book your free tickets to the concert.
The Multilingual Concert is a project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council as part of the research programme Creative Multilingualism. Led by the University of Oxford, the initiative is designed to strengthen Modern Foreign Languages and give a higher profile to the wealth of languages spoken in UK schools.
The composition is now available to download to use in your school or choir. Teaching resources available include Powerpoint guides to teaching the song, musical score, lyrics and backing track.