The Past is Now
Join artist Ashlee E L Roberts as she takes residency in our Story LAB space, located in gallery 15. Ashlee is a writer and performer working in partnership with Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery and the Slanguages project.
Slanguages is exploring the creative way artists employ and take inspiration from languages such as Pidgin, Patois and urban sign languages.
Ashlee's own work, which she will share with us on June 2nd in the same space (see event:, explores the relationship between family, faith, culture and sexuality written partly in patois.
Come and meet Ashlee as she writes responses in patois to the surrounding artworks and objects in The Past is Now exhibition, currently housed in the Story LAB gallery. The responses will be written in real time on Ashlee's typewriter. Come, read, listen, respond.
For more info about The Past is Now exhibition:
Find out more about the Slanguages project here: