Multilingual Performance Project: Cardiff Launch

Join us for the launch of our Multilingual Performance Project for MFL teachers at the Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff.
There will be a short introduction of the Multilingual Performance Project followed by a workshop demonstrating simple drama activities which can be used in the language classroom.
We would love to welcome all interested language teachers; there’s no commitment to sign up to the project at this stage.
Refreshments will be provided and you’re very welcome to invite along performing arts/drama teacher colleagues from your school to come with you too!
Register for your free place on Eventbrite >>
Feedback from teachers who attended our Midlands launch event:
“It was a lot of fun – but also very useful. I have already tried out several of the ideas with my classes (and own children), with great success.”
“I was able to present the project at a staff meeting last week and included some of the games we were shown. I'm delighted with the feedback from my colleagues who did some of the activities with their classes the following day and told me how well the children had responded. This is really important for me as I'm the only MFL teacher and most of the class teachers are a bit scared of languages!”
For more information please email the project’s director:
This event has been organised by Creative Multilingualism's Multilingual Performance Project in collaboration with Routes into Languages Cymru.