Conference on 21st-century theatre: Playwriting without borders

Thursday 6 April
Welcome and coffee: 10-10.30am
SESSION 1 - 10.30-11.30am, 11.45-1pm
- Susanna WEYGANDT (Dalhousie University, Canada): Teatr.doc's Manual-Manifesto: How to Practice Ethnography while Side-Stepping the Censor
- Valeria MUTS (Yale University, USA): Contesting Constructions of Post-Soviet Identity in Vyrypaev’s Theatre
Round table on ‘The History of New Drama’:
Noah BIRKSTED-BREEN (Chair, Sputnik Theatre Company, London), Mikhail DURNENKOV (playwright and director, Moscow), Elyse DODGSON (Royal Court Theatre, London)
Lunch: 1-2pm
SESSION 2 – 2-3pm, 3.15-4.30pm
- Andriej MOSKWIN (University of Warsaw, Poland): Человек и мир в стадии распада (на примере беларусского драматурга Максима Досько)
- Natalia OSIS: Bogoslavsky (University of Genoa, Italy): Общее для восточных славян художественное пространство и методы его создания на примере пьесы Любовь людей белорусского драматурга Андрея Богославского.
Round table on ‘Theatre in Belarus’:
Julie CURTIS (Chair, University of Oxford), Andriej MOSKWIN (University of Warsaw), Tatiana ARTIMOVIČ (theatre critic, Minsk), Natalia KALIADA, and Nicolai KHALEZIN (Belarus Free Theatre, London and Minsk)
Tea: 4.30-5pm
SESSION 3 (in the Leonard Wolfson Auditorium) – 5-6.30pm
Rehearsed Reading and discussion:
Time of Women (2014) by Nicolai Khalezin and Natalia Kaliada
In English, directed by Noah Birksted-Breen, followed by a discussion with the play’s authors. (This reading has been made possible by kind permission of the Belarus Free Theatre)
Supper: 7pm
Friday 7 April
SESSION 4 – 9.30-11am, 11.30-1pm
Molly BLASING (University of Kentucky, USA): “Не сквернословь, отец мой”: ‘Mat’ and the Language of Faith and Family in Anna Yablonskaya’s The Pagans
Jessica HINDS-BOND (Northwestern University, USA): Natalya Vorozhbit’s Vii: Contemporary Ukraine through a Gogolian Lens
Molly FLYNN (Royal Holloway, University of London): Theatre of Displaced People: Ukraine’s Stages of Change
Round table on ‘Theatre in Ukraine’:
Molly FLYNN (Chair, London), Pavel AR’YE (playwright and director, Lviv) tbc, Nadiia MIROSHNYCHENKO (pseud. Neda Nezhdana, playwright and critic, Kyiv), Nicola McCARTNEY (University of Edinburgh)
SESSION 5 – 2-3pm, 3.30-5pm
- Lucie KEMPF (Université de Lorraine, Nancy): Советское прошлое, болезнь Альцгеймера: когда уже невозможно вспомнить... Театр КнАМ, Сухобезводное (2006) и Я есть (2012)
- James ROWSON: Dissent and Documentary: Performing Justice in Teatr.doc’s The Bolotnaya Square Case
Tea: 3-3.30pm
Round table on ‘Recent Theatre in Russia’:
Sasha DUGDALE (Chair, London), Mikhail DURNENKOV (Moscow), Sasha SMITH (University of Edinburgh)
End of Conference
The languages of the Conference will be ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.
The organisers thank this event’s partners for their generous support. The funding for this conference has been provided primarily by the AHRC through its Open World Research Initiative (OWRI) grant awarded to the University of Manchester for its project ‘Cross-Language Dynamics: Reshaping Communities’.