Clarendon Lectures

In the 2019 Clarendon Lectures, Professor Michael Hofmann will present close readings of four poems originally written in four different languages (the audience do not need to be proficient in any!), taking the model of a poem as a boat, or a voyage. The lectures aim to restore us to the importance of attending to something outside ourselves, before ourselves, away from ourselves, and to the ideal of cosmopolitanism.
22 January Lecture 1: Rilke's Auswanderer-Schiff or Emigrant Ship
24 January Lecture 2: Rimbaud's Bateau Ivre or Drunken Ship
29 January Lecture 3: Montale's Barche sulla Marna or Boats on the Marne
31 January Lecture 4: Solie's The World
Attendance is free and no booking is required; seats will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis on the night. All are welcome!