Arabic Poetry in Action: A Bilingual Event

‘It was and it was not…’: Translation in Action (from Arabic into English)
Al-Barghouti will be reading alongside Writer in Residence for London’s Refugee Hosts, poet and translator Yousif M. Qasmiyeh. The two will address questions of writing between states and between languages.
Tamim al-Barghouti is widely known as the ‘Poet of Jerusalem’. He will read from his collection In Jerusalem and Other Poems, newly translated by the author, with Radwa Ashour & Ahdaf Soueif. A Palestinian columnist and political scientist al-Barghouti’s command of classical Arabic forms and prosody in the tradition of public recitation has drawn audiences of the hundreds of thousands.
Yousif M. Qasmiyeh is Writer-in-Residence for Refugee Hosts, (a 4-year interdisciplinary project funded by the AHRC-ESRC He teaches Arabic at the University of Oxford. His recent poems and articles include ‘Writing the Camp and ‘The Camp is Time’ (Refugee Hosts, 2016, 2017), ‘At the Feast of Asylum’ (GeoHumanities, 2016), and ‘Thresholds’ (Critical Quarterly, 2014).
The event is the final public lecture in ‘It was and it was not… Translation in action,’ a CHASE workshop series.
Please join us.